We are pleased to announce that our catalog of beautiful loose diamonds and diamond Jewelry can now be found on Pinterest, but something is a little different about our Pinterest page. Not only does it display our catalog of items, but it was created and is curated by some of the most innovated technologies that are available today.

At Caratsdirect2u we take pride that we use the latest technology to serve our customers, from our high-end photography to our inventory automation. That is why we have created our new Pinterest page with very little direct human involvement by our staff. All our pins and boards on Pinterest were created by an automated program connecting to Pinterest’s API, and all our boards descriptions were written by using ChatGPT.
While we are using ChatGPT to write the board descriptions, we still offer the human touch. This post and all our other posts are written by humans.
Go to our Pinterest collection here: https://www.pinterest.com/CaratsDirect2U/_saved/ to see our amazing collection.