We have some news to share with you.
It won’t make you blue but it just might inspire you to wear something blue!
CaratsDirect2.com offers our customers a wide range of affordable blue color enhanced diamond jewelry. Natural blue diamond jewelry is so expensive that only the 1% can afford it. As a matter of fact, a large percentage of natural blue diamonds never see a jeweler’s bench and are just stored away in safes as an investment.
But luckily for all of us, some smart guys in lab coats have figured out how to play with the very molecular structure of diamonds. Ordinary naturally mined diamonds are turned into gorgeous blue colored diamonds.

Be wary if anyone offers you natural blue diamond jewelry at a reasonable price. It should always be clearly stated if any piece of jewelry is made from color enhanced diamonds.
So what are you waiting for?! Go and have a look at the all the beautiful blue color enhanced diamond jewelry in our catalog.
For more information, read our latest article on blue colored enhanced diamonds as well as the color treated diamond buying guide.
Further reading:
Five “Must Knows” about treated fancy colored diamonds